Bursitis Specialist

Arthritis Associates
Rheumatology & Arthritis located in San Antonio, TX
Bursitis occurs when the cushioning sacs that help your joints move smoothly grow inflamed. At Arthritis Associates in San Antonio, Texas, the empathetic team of experts understands how painful bursitis can be, particularly when you’re already dealing with symptoms from a condition like gout or pseudogout. To get help for bursitis, call the office or arrange your appointment online.
Bursitis Q&A
What is bursitis?
Bursitis is inflammation within a bursa — one of the tiny sacs that help your joints move smoothly. Your bursae act like little pillows at the points where your bones and soft tissues (ligaments, muscles, and tendons) meet.
When a bursa grows inflamed, you can develop the very uncomfortable symptoms of bursitis.
What are the symptoms of bursitis?
Bursitis usually causes symptoms in one joint, with the most common areas being:
- Shoulder
- Elbow
- Hip
- Knee
- Heel
- Big toe
The joint usually feels sore and stiff. It often hurts more when you push on it or try to move it. You may also have visible swelling and redness.
What causes bursitis?
The most common causes of bursitis include repetitive motion and stress on your joints. Examples include kneeling for extended periods and playing competitive sports.
Rheumatic conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, gout, pseudogout, and others, may also cause bursitis or tendinitis.
Older people are more likely to develop bursitis because of general tissue weakening with age. Infection and trauma are also possible causes of bursitis.
How is bursitis treated?
Treatment depends on the cause of your bursitis and which medications you're taking for co-occurring conditions.
Physical therapy and other conservative treatments can help with many bursitis cases. You may need anti-inflammatory pain relievers or intra-articular corticosteroid injections to relieve inflammation, swelling, and discomfort.
If you have an infection, you need antibiotics. In some cases, the Arthritis Associates team may need to drain excess fluid from the affected bursa.
How can I prevent bursitis?
Many people with rheumatic conditions ask the Arthritis Associates team about bursitis and tendinitis prevention. Some helpful tips include:
- Stretch before exercise
- Learn proper form before starting a new activity
- Gradually increase activity intensity
- Participate in physical activity daily
- Practice good posture techniques
- Wear appropriate protective gear for sports
- Change your position every 20-40 minutes
- Immediately stop pain-causing activities
Exercise is a great way to maintain your health, but it can grow dangerous if you don't take a balanced approach. The Arthritis Associates team can help you protect your joints and prevent bursitis.
The Arthritis Associates team treats rheumatic diseases as well as all their damaging effects, including bursitis. To get help now, call the office or click on the online scheduling link.
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