Sarcoidosis Specialist

Arthritis Associates
Rheumatology & Arthritis located in San Antonio, TX
Sarcoidosis occurs when small collections of inflammatory cells grow on your lungs or other organs. If you have sarcoidosis symptoms like a dry cough, breathing problems, or wheezing, Arthritis Associates offers comprehensive testing and treatment in its San Antonio, Texas, office. Use the online scheduling link or call the office to arrange your appointment.
Sarcoidosis Q&A
What is sarcoidosis?
Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disorder in which granulomas — small deposits of inflammatory cells — collect in areas like your lungs and lymph nodes. The disorder may or may not cause symptoms. Of those with symptoms, some have severe sudden symptoms, and others have a very slow symptom buildup over months or even years.
If you don't have any symptoms, you may learn that you have sarcoidosis during testing for another condition.
What are the symptoms of sarcoidosis?
In symptomatic cases, sarcoidosis can cause varying symptoms affecting the organs where you have granulomas. For example, in the lungs (the most common area for granulomas), you may have chest discomfort, dry cough, wheezing, or labored breathing. With sarcoidosis in the eyes, you may have eye irritation and discomfort.
Some people with sarcoidosis also have more general bodywide symptoms like night sweats, chronic fatigue, and unexplained weight loss.
What causes sarcoidosis?
The cause of sarcoidosis is unknown. Current research suggests that sarcoidosis occurs in people with certain genes.
If you're exposed to a trigger and have these genes, you could develop sarcoidosis. Possible triggers include bacterial infections, viral infections, mold, dust, and chemicals like insecticides.
How does sarcoidosis diagnosis work?
Sarcoidosis diagnosis can involve a number of different tests, including:
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Chest X-ray
- Blood tests
- Pulmonary function tests
Depending on the area affected and your symptoms, you may also need a biopsy — a test of a small tissue sample from the affected area. Arthritis Associates has a state-of-the-art lab for blood tests and also performs digital X-rays and EKGs in the office.
After your diagnosis, the Arthritis Associates team can create an individualized sarcoidosis treatment plan.
How is sarcoidosis treated?
While sarcoidosis doesn't have a cure, it's very manageable. If you don't have any symptoms, the team may recommend regular monitoring, but you may not need treatment.
If you have troublesome symptoms, the Arthritis Associates team may prescribe low-dose steroids like prednisone to reduce inflammation.
Because long-term steroid use can potentially cause bone loss and osteoporosis, the team may help you transition to immunosuppressive medications once your symptoms are well controlled.
Arthritis Associates is ready to help with sarcoidosis diagnosis and treatment, so call the office or arrange your appointment online.
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